How To Wave The Magic Wand To Instantly Change Your Thoughts

How to Wave the Magic Wand Instantly

to Change Your Thoughts?

                           Thought is an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in mind. Thoughts have greater power. Our predominant thoughts shape the path of our life. The mind is a storehouse of countless thoughts but these thoughts are triggered by filtering information from our surroundings. It is necessary to stay in the company of positive and high thinking people. Otherwise, our negative instincts can astray us from our right track. Such moments do come in life when one loses hope, becomes pessimistic, and begins to focus the dark side of the picture. In this dwindling situation the power of positive thoughts can pull us back towards our normal, happy life.

                             We can never deny the significance of thoughts in our life- matters. We should be very careful about our thoughts as these run our life. We should give a hundred chances to make our thoughts positive, but not a single chance to make it negative. If we could realize the power of thoughts, we would never think a negative thought.

              Your thoughts are responsible for everything that happens in your life. They influence our behavior, attitude, actions, and reactions. So think positive and positive things will happen. I am here to share the ways how you can wave the magic wand to change your thoughts instantly.

The good news is that every man is blessed with that magic wand. The need is to explore that wand and wave it to get magical advantages to transform your life. Let's see how it happens.

Focus Blessings & Joys:

                                                  The quality of our life is determined by the nature of our thoughts. Optimistic, positive, and high thinking creates enthusiasm in our life, makes blood flow free and heartbeat joyous. The vibration of our magic wand keeps the wheel of action moving. On the other hand, pessimistic, despairing, and gloomy thoughts resist us to go ahead. Some people are so sensitive, get badly hurt when they are faced with problems and misfortune.

                      To come out of life's unfavorable circumstances successfully, wave your magic wand and turn your thinking to the blessings and joys you have. Focus the filled half of the glass for contentment and feel grateful to think that the circumstances might be even worse. Don't cry for little injury inflicted on you in an accident, what if your full leg had wasted?

                       See the miserable people around you, it will spark the feelings of gratitude in you and it is this gratitude that kindles divine bliss. The only way to make life better is to fool yourself into thinking and believing everything good. Your thoughts are key to your feelings.

  Be Contented with What You Have:

                                                                                                       “There are two things to aim at, in life: to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. (Logan Pearsall Smith).

                  Truly rich is he who is contented with what he has. We all know that change is the law of nature. Nothing is certain. Those who’re at the upper side of the wheel are sure to come down one day. Along with positive thinking, we must have a realistic approach to life.  We should realize the worth of what we have today, a time will come when it no longer be with us. So, why should we be materialistic then?

                    We should not leave struggle but for a happy life we are supposed to be satisfied with our belongings. We can admire and enjoy what we already have for a better life.  Moreover, there is nothing wrong with setting higher goals, but failure should not spoil our happiness and contentment is essential for a healthy and productive life. The thing which we can't achieve or in the long run lose, proves at times a blessing in disguise. So, for a happy life contentment is a great gift.

Stay Strong against Unfavorable Circumstances:

                                                                                                                                Ups and downs are part of life. Trials are the test of our mettle and courage. Those who get hurt and feel afraid, lose the courage to face adversities. Rather, we should be strong enough that misfortune and troubles may not harm us. Fears are for those who are afraid of them. People often feel demoralized in adverse conditions. They stop their journey and feel low as if they are bending under their weight.

                                          However, you will feel better if you lift your spirit up, muster your courage and decide to take up the challenge. Here again the transformation of your thoughts from negative to positive will boost your courage. Once you changed your thoughts, you would win half of the battle this way. The other half victory you will achieve with your determined steps against misfortune. Hence the battle is over!

                                Another way to get out of depression is “try, try again”. Little insects teach us this lesson. Once a brave king was defeated by the enemy many times. He took shelter in a cave where a spider was trying to reach its cobweb. The king observed that the insect over and over again fell down but never left its attempt. It succeeded in its ninth attempt. Watching this incident the king felt goose bumps, his depressive gloomy thoughts turned altogether. He left the cave with determination to fight again and this time he won the battle.

Learn to smile in adversities and they will leave you soon.

 Be a Master of Your Moods:

                                                                             Be a master, not a servant of your moods. The brain is the master of the body. It is the ruler of the kingdom of happiness. It should not make you happy or sad with its own disposition. The wand of your happiness (or sadness) should be in your own hands. The words you speak in daily life play a great role in shaping your moods. Do you use positive or negative words? In both cases you are well aware of the after-effects. The words can inspire or demoralize. The words you speak have a huge impact and create a lasting impression, whether good or bad. So, it's crucial to choose them sensibly. Words can make or break a relation. Man is hidden in his words. The choice of words and how we speak them can make or ruin our career.

                          In the same way. We can use this power constructively to maintain our happy mood and raise our energies. We should remember that this only force has the ability to heal, to hinder, to kindle, to help, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble. We get to know that we can shape or break our moods exercising this only power, ‘word'.

"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world”.

(John Keating)

Wake up With a Positive Thought:

                                                                                             It is clear now that, to bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment in our life we must alter the way we think. Our brain is flexible to changes that we make in our thinking patterns. It is our thoughts that are capable to change and give a positive direction to our life. So, begin your each day with a positive thought that will keep supplying you enough energy to accomplish all your tasks happily. It’s a universal notion that an idea can change your life. So, never leave your brain empty, keep digging new and unique ideas, apply those staying in your feasibility range.

                         If you were sad and depressed yesterday, you must not be today. Bury your previous day's melancholy there, step ahead with a clear mind, and don't spoil your today with last day's worries. Every moment of your life is precious and live each day with new zeal and enthusiasm. Embellish your life with great thoughts be happy and spread happiness. Your source of happiness lies within you. Never forget to wave the wand, your happiness will approach you.

Change Yourself, Not Others:

                                                                                Do not expect much from others. Don't aspire to change others. Only develop a thought of changing yourself. You are your boss. Don't think to surrender others. Everyone is responsible for his actions. Don't shoulder the responsibility to change the world. We are answerable to our deeds. The best way is to change ourselves by changing our thoughts to be productive and constructive. At times we feel like getting back from our notions, how we can think to change others when we lose control of ourselves. We can change and better our lives. We are equipped with great powers in us. Our strong thoughts have additional forces to keep us on the track.

 "Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.” (Wayne Dyer)

The power of thinking is remarkable. Successful and healthy, happy people keep on thinking to transform their lives to be even better. This desire to change, opens before them multiple schemes, they choose the best, apply it fully and their entire life is changed only by a single idea. So thinking is good.

Be Jolly & Naughty:

                                                    Children are happy, smiles always shimmer on their faces, the reason is that they are so simple and clear in the heart. They instantly forget their quarrels and get together again. They are so small and so smart. They have the art of forgiving and forgetting which we adults are lacking. Children's behavior can change the direction of our thoughts. We should learn the art of being Jolly and naughty for a while to forget our worries.  

In our laughter and smiles we should kick away our anguish and dejection. Moreover, children don't associate their pleasures with future events. They live every moment fully. Not only they are themselves happy but those who live with them burst into laughter watching their activities. Researchers say that laughter increases the rate of blood flow and recovers our energies which we waste in being worried.

                                                   So, must arrange a happy company around you. When you laugh, laugh with the depth of your heart and break the chains of negative thoughts. These happy moments will revitalize you for the whole week, and you will be restlessly waiting for getting together again.

         "The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart."  (Mencius)

Be the Best Version of You:

                                                                             We all have shortcomings and weaknesses in us. We are not perfect. We can never be. We should not stop our journey towards self- improvement. The process of personal development is never-ending. We should not wait for the perfect moment to arrive, should make the present moment perfect. We have to overcome all our negative thoughts, they hinder our way to personal growth. If the thoughts you think are positive, your life is positive. Changing your thinking is not only to be optimistic but to give your brain a chance to grow and expand.

                         Our brain works the way we want. Give a strong message to your brain that you are determined to construct the best version of you. For this you also have to step out of your comfort zone. All successful people break the shackles of their comfort zone and make their mind to face any obstacle on their way to success. They take every step with confidence, believing that confidence can shake mountains. You should also build this confidence in you, thinking that nothing is impossible, I have all the resources which can assist me to get success.

·       Learn to overcome your negative thoughts, they hold you down physically & mentally.

·       Manage to learn something new every day.

·       Make time for positivity, surround yourself with positive-minded people.

·       Repeat your success statement every day.

·       Smile often.

Be quick to apply all these strategies and shape the best version of you.


                                                 Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. Self-realization demands great struggle but not any cost. It is our first encounter with reality. Our inner journey paves the way to dig the treasure of hidden abilities. Once we realize how much powers we have, we will learn to set our goals high, control our thoughts and transform our life entirely.

                               Today's man is not aware of undefeatable forces in his being. It can only be possible when he starts the inner journey and unlocks the door to hidden powers. These inner forces decide the way of our life. To be successful, realize your spiritual powers.

                       Change your thoughts, enrich your personality

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